Should The Holocaust Be Taught In Schools

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There are many events that have been lost in the folds of time, scattered into the sands of the past, only to be uncovered by the lucky or the persistent. Some have been forgotten for the better, some for the worse, but there are some occurrences that cannot be and must not be forgotten. As I run my finger over the DC Holocaust museum sticker next to my keyboard, I can’t help but believe the Holocaust is one of those occurrences. The Holocaust is a tragic, brutal event that should be better taught, explained and examined in schools throughout the world, both public and private, in order to prevent human society from traveling on a circuit. I took a Holocaust Literature class on accident, and left it feeling different. I believe that this sort of experience could be universal if schools instated a Holocaust Education …show more content…

There would be less prejudice if people were taught of the worst example of prejudice. Slaughters, such as those going on in Syria, would be harder to orchestrate if the public knew about the extent of those killed during World War Two. A Holocaust class, particularly of the teaching nature, rather than the testing nature would benefit humanity’s perception of each other and shape the policies of the future. Awareness is the key ally of Holocaust History, and classes must be instated to better spread it. The types of classes proposed promote open-mindedness, awareness, participation, empathy, caution and hope in the students reached, allowing them to expand their minds to better accommodate the political, environmental and civil challenges that the up and coming generations will undoubtedly encounter. History does not have to repeat itself, society can break its current mold. Future generations do not have to do it all again. Let us not be horses on a race track, but humans preparing for progress, preparing for

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