Should Students Be Allowed To Prepare For College Essay

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There is an overwhelming controversy taking place between parents and school staff on whether children should begin college preparation earlier than high school. Kids are being told to think and plan for college at an earlier and earlier age. I think this is important because college can be an important part of one's life. Parents are arguing with their school districts, saying their kids don't need to stress about the cause and effects of college at such a young age I believe that schools should begin teaching students to prepare for college at a young age for three main reasons. First, I believe college can open many opportunities in one's life. A proper college can be the difference between a $60,000 paycheck and a $120,000 paycheck; a proper preparation can be the difference between a good college and a terrible one. A person can determine their life's work with a few extra years of school. College can help a person decide what they want to be in life, what jobs they can apply for, and what rank they will receive in that job. In order to receive these benefits, though, one has to be properly prepared. Without preparation, the risk of something so critical to one's future is dangerous to the outcome of one's life. The job you are able to receive later is determined by your college degree and your ability to be prepared and responsible …show more content…

Poor preparation can lead to lost opportunities and future regrets. Without proper preparation, you may lose your chance to get into the college you want. If students are unaware that they need to prepare to go to college, they will put it aside until it is too late to make better choices or take the classes and receive the credits they need. Preparing for the future is essential to one's success. I think a child should be prepared and told about the extra years of school they must take in order to succeed

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