Should Soda Be Banned

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There is a massive dragon looming over the world, and surprisingly enough, all it wants is not to feed itself, but rather fill our own bellies. What I am talking about, of course, is obesity, which is a growing problem all around the world. Consequently, there have been discussions about limiting the size of sodas to combat this epidemic. And while the sentiment is noble in origin, I, however, find it rather misguided. One important argument that must be considered is the fact that simply banning larger sodas would do nothing to educate people about why they should drink less soda in the first place. Sugary drinks are most certainly bad for your health; no one would argue the contrary. Clearly, high concentration of sugar in sodas leads to increased weight. As a result, people tend to develop heart …show more content…

At best, we might see a temporary decrease in total soda consumption but nothing substantial enough to cause a lasting change in people’s habits. Instead, we must properly educate people regarding the harm large amounts of soda. Unless we entirely ban the sales of any and all kinds of soda, people will always be able to inflict substantial harm to themselves through poor dietary choices, because the they have the final say. Therefore, individuals themselves must decide what is best, and our efforts should be focused on informing them about the consequences. It is known that educated people are less likely to drink soda, as shown on the graph by Julia Belluz. The assumption that people who have a degree are aware of the harm of sugary drinks comes naturally. Besides, when people are empowered to make their own decisions, they are far more likely to embrace change once they are intrinsically motivated to commit to it (Monica Frank). This stands in stark contrast to what the ban offers us. Consider: would you rather do something because of conviction, or because someone told you

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