Pros And Cons Of The New York Soda Ban

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The New York Soda Ban is a step in the wrong direction and efforts should be put towards making life better, rather than focusing on a movement that will have little to no effect. Realize that I am not stating the soda should be drank, because even I know that soda is harmful towards the body and is one of the leading causes of obesity. However, I believe that the soda ban will have little effect and that time and money should be applied somewhere where the act would have an effect of making life better. The reason I do not believe this ban will do as much good as stated, is because the ban is flawed. This brings me to my first point, which is, one cup of boysenberry juice has 256 grams of sugar, equaling to 225 calories. One cup of Cola only …show more content…

Mayor Bloomberg’s plan is to decrease the amount of sugar intake that Americans digest. However, to do this successfully, he would need to include all sugary products that affect Americans, not just the most popular products, which happens to be soda. When you take away soda, people will start to replace the drink with something more available. The replacement drink could easily be something more caloric or sugary than the banned drink. Therefore, no change is made. Pure juices have the potential to be unhealthier than soda. These factors need to be considered when deciding what or what not to ban. It would be unfair to target soda and the companies that profit off of soda, without considering the other sugary products and their effect on the world. Some could argue that juice comes from fruit, while soda is artificial. Also, sugars in juice are more natural than the high fructose corn syrup. All the while, this is suppose to support the idea that juice is healthier than soda. However, according to the journal, Nutrition, fruit juice, on average, has a fructose concentration of about 45.5 grams per liter. 45.5 grams per liter is only a bit less than the average 50 grams per liter for

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