Should Soda Be Banned

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The ban on soda is a better option for the people in New York. Over time their health will only be harmfully affected by not taking care of their bodies. Also consuming unhealthy foods/drinks that contain sugars and artificial additives will only increase the negative effect that soda has on that person’s body. Drinking various sodas can negatively impact your organs. The artificial sugars/additives in diet sodas can increase the risk of cancer and other various diseases. Over time the people in New York’s health will only be harmfully affected by not taking care of their bodies. Soda has been proven to harmfully affect the organs in a person’s body. People may believe that if you drink soda in moderation their organs will not be affected by the excessive intake of sugar. Studies show that people have a higher risk of developing type two diabetes, because it affects their kidneys. (Olson, Samantha. “How Soda Affects each body part as you drink” Medical …show more content…

Many people believe that because a soda is “sugar free” it does not contain harmful chemicals. It is deemed healthy because the clear lack of sugar. Aspartame is a common sugar replacement in “diet” sodas and has been proven to cause various cancers. According to Markham Heid from MD Anderson Cancer center, aspartame will throw off a person’s metabolic process, thus causes them to store fat, rather than burn it. Thus causing a higher risk of diabetes and heart diseases. This then will cause various cancers to form. People may believe that drinking a diet soda with aspartame is only harmful if it is at an excessive rate. Although people seem to believe this, many studies have shown that drinking a diet soda that contains aspartame can be harmful at any rate. The scientists believe that the chemical will harmfully affect your body over various amounts of

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