Should Parents Be Held Accountable

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Bullying is always growing and is a subject which is debated a lot. One question, which is asked a lot, is should parents be held accountable? Parent’s influences are the most powerful source of every child’s motivations as well as who they will become. They are there to raise their child, guide them through life, help them learn and develop. Parents should be held accountable because the child will have long term effect into adulthood, lack of knowing right from wrong, and the parents could pay a fine.

Throughout my childhood, I was bullied. This bullying left physical and mental scars, as well as me lacking self-confidence. Whenever I attempted to defend myself or inform someone of the situation, it never worked I would either get bullied more by both students and teachers or be ignored completely. This is when my father …show more content…

These effects can impact mental health, cause substance abuse, and suicide. “Bullies typically develop bad habits into adulthood, which can include violent, risky, and illegal behaviors” (“Effects of bullying,” 2012). The inappropriate behaviors are drug and alcohol abuse, fights, vandalization, early sexual activities, criminal convictions, dropping out of school, and being abusive to their partner or children. Parents should hold themselves accountable, talk to their children and watch them.

When children learn right from wrong most people typically think they learn because of punishment, but this is not the case. Children trust their parents, sometimes they do not listen or do what they are told, but eventually they will do what their parents do. Kids learn when we show them kindness, responsibility, generosity, honesty, and compassion. This can be accomplished by showing these in action every day. Parents typically don’t notice that their child is watching what they do and say, that they have an impact on their child’s

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