Mandatory Military Draft: An Examination of Equity and Preparedness

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Should men be required to sign-up for the draft? The military draft under the law states that all males, U.S. Citizens, and male's aliens are required to register for the draft; when turning 18 (abc news). However, those who fail to register before turning 26 will be prosecuted, become ineligible for federal financial aid, citizenship, federal job training, and federal jobs (abc news). Although men are required to sign-up for the draft; however, they should not be force to register for the military draft. A male cannot be prepared for the draft, it should be voluntarily, and it is fair that women should not be able to register for the draft. The draft can put a male in a position in which they are not prepared to be in. The military requires a person to be prepared for the hardships he has to endure while fighting. Not only the person that is being drafted is not prepared, their family is not prepared also. Most families are not prepared to make changes at the last minute. For instant, not being able to hear or see their love one or ones on a daily basis anymore. Families that do not know if their love one would survive or not, can become stressful. If the …show more content…

Women are not as strong fighters as men are. Drafting women will create a weaker military because they are not built to fight against men. Some women are physically capable of being in the military but the majority are not. Men should not be forced to register for the draft. Some men are not prepared for the military draft, the military should be voluntarily, and women shouldn't be required to register for the draft. If men are forced to draft into the military they are not physically or mentally prepared to be drafted. In fact, in today's world, if we were to go to war the military has enough troops to

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