Pros And Cons Of Reinstating The Military Draft

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Every American is Free, and because of many others, are safe. They are able to lay their head down on a pillow and go to sleep knowing that they aren’t going to be shot by soldiers of a different country in their sleep. They don’t have to hide inside their houses and watch fighter vehicles crawl by and wonder if they are going to live to see the sun rise the next day. They are safe because there are men and women over in different countries killing those that threaten our existence. If there was ever a debate about reinstating the draft, I think the answer would be yes, do it because there would be that many more people fighting to keep us safe, those that maybe debated it before would go through with it, and the troubled teens that rebel against …show more content…

If there was a draft, there would be a lot more men and women out there fighting to keep our country safe so that we can continue to lay down at night and not be afraid of what might happen to us when we do. Our military is strong, but if there was a specific number of men joining every year or so, our numbers would be higher, therefore increasing our strength. Being in the military is something to be proud of, and those that join on their own are good people, but anyone that goes out and fights, draft or not, is still a good person and should have our respect. Most people see commercials on television about the armed forces and think that it might be a good thing to go do, I know I have, but some might not put any more work into it after they see it the first time. Having a draft would get rid of that part of them that doesn’t want to get up off the couch and …show more content…

Being in the military is a big responsibility and incredibly hard, but it is a very good thing to be joined in. Men that are in the army get in trouble if they sass their commanding officer or they don’t do their chores or wake up on time, so having teenage rebellious boys in the army would teach them discipline and responsibility. Most boys would learn really quickly after starting boot camp, that they are not allowed to slack off like they would at home, so after they do months of the training and after they are out fighting for their country, they will take those skills they learned home with them and their parents will most likely see a huge difference in the attitude of their

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