Summary Of Danielle Harris Combating Sexism: Women And The Military Draft

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All's Fair in War
In “Combating Sexism: Woman and the Military Draft” writer Danielle Harris address the issues of women's inequality in the draft by proving that “American men and woman must carry equal responsibility” on the battlefield. As the military has changed its rules against genders many Americans have questioned the role of woman in today's society. A bill was passed that requires women to register in the draft, although, the likelihood of another draft happening is unlikely this opportunity is being used to highlight the discrimination of women. Some agree that women should be drafted as long as they meet the physical requirements of the military. Others disagree saying, that drafting woman is “immoral”. The biggest concern of drafting woman in the military is pregnancy. This issue would be resolved if the military made contraceptives more available to the woman. It is disrespectful to say that allowing women in the military is like “drafting] our daughters”. Many have fought and died to keep this country safe, in fact, “women already make up a significant amount of the united States armed …show more content…

Every person quoted by Harris has a description of their title. An example of this would be when Harris writes, “Two top military officials, Army Chief of Staff Ge. Mark Milley and Marine Corps Commandant Gen. Robert Neller,” by including their titles it shows the reader the importance of the source. Another example is when Harris writes a brief description of James Bailey and all that he does in the marines and some of his accomplishments. By doing this the reader will agree with what is being said since it comes from trusted persons in their field of knowledge. Harris combines the use of ethos with logos when she writes, “woman in the military are 50 percent more likely to have an unplanned pregnancy”. This gives statistics to provide the reader with concrete facts that support her argument

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