Should Gay Marriage Be Legalized In Australia

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The legalization of same-sex marriage in Australia is a highly controversial matter, but it shouldn’t have to be this way. I believe that it is time that Australia follows in the footsteps of countries such as America, Ireland and all other countries who have accepted this normal concept of marriage. Allowing same-sex couples with the right to marry will in no way infringe upon the rights of others. Not allowing same-sex marriage puts a message across that discrimination against sexual orientation is socially acceptable, when it is not.
Legalizing same-sex marriage will have no negative impacts on heterosexual people or any Australian citizen. Same-sex marriage is no different from a heterosexual marriage, it involves two partners who want to legalize their marriage just like anyone else. Who someone decides to marry in no way affects the people around them or our society, so why should Australia still not allow homosexuals to marry the ones they love? It is unacceptable that same-sex couples are not allowed to marry because some people say it’s ‘wrong’ or a ‘sin’ when it is completely normal and will have no negative impact on others …show more content…

This negative message that is sent out by discrimination in marriage fosters prejudice, discrimination, and unequal treatment against same sex relationships across Australia and many other countries. As a fair country why should we not legalise same-sex marriage? Homosexuals and Lesbians are bullied and harassed enough as it is, it is time that they are given a fair opportunity to marry, just like everyone else. Legalizing gay marriage will show teens that homosexuality is accepted and respected in society. We need to explain to younger generations that being different is not a social disability, so that they will never feel the need to take their own lives because they are

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