Should Cannabis be legal?

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Should cannabis be legalized?

While it would be nice to think that the current drug laws are working, you only have to go into a school to find that this is emphatically not the case. Clearly, despite the money spend on keeping Britain clear of drugs, only a fraction of imports are ever uncovered, and something has to change. The case for legalizing cannabis can be based around two arguments.

First off is the obvious argument, and that it is impossible to stop people from importing cannabis illegally, or form even growing it themselves. Weather that is in there homes or on privet property outside. No matter how hard you try, you will never rid the US of this drug. More importantly, this drug is not a harmful drug like ecstasy, heroin, acid, and actually has medical benefits to those suffering from arthritis, and other forms of diseases, helping to ease the pain. Legalizing the drug would have no adverse social consequences, and could even bring peace in time of war like the indians used it for. Money could be diverted into areas where it could be put to better use, such as policing hard core drugs and even paying off the national debt. The supply of cannabis could even be regulated by the government. The government could also make more money by putting an import tax on cannabis. Also the police would know who it is who is buying the drugs. By making a trivial drug like cannabis illega...

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