Shark Persuasive Essay

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One may think that they automatically know that sharks are cruel and conniving, but do they really know? One can easily just say that sharks are a menace of the sea, but do they truly know that as a fact? I am here to support the fact that sharks are not as dangerous as citizens say they are. If humans actually gave them a chance, they would be less cautious of us, and we would be less cautious of them.
Everyone quickly assumes that sharks are a menace to the ocean floor, but here’s where they are wrong. Not all sharks are deadly and cruel. Sharon Guynup states, “Out of the 375 shark species, only 2 dozen are in a way dangerous to us.”(875). 2 dozen is about 24 shark species out of 375. When you compare the statistics, one can see that 2 …show more content…

But some people think differently. Some have a very opposite perspective on sharks. Some may treat them as if they are innocent, and some treat them as if they are cold blooded killers. I for one think they are innocent and are interesting creatures of the deep. Maybe they are a threat to us, but if one thinks about it, maybe we, humans, are an even bigger threat to them they are to us. Scientists agree that many humans have polluted the ocean because of factories, littering, etc. This leaves not only sharks to leave their homes, but smaller fish as well. We cause their homes to be unhealthy and a biohazard to them and for what reason? Not only are people scared of sharks, but they also do not pay attention to their surroundings. If someone has been bitten by a shark, they will automatically learn to be aware of their surroundings. One man learned his lesson when surfing. He stated, “It’s not that this won’t affect me, it’s going to make me more aware of my surroundings.”(Spinner Shark Attacks Florida Teen Surfer). This man quickly learned his lesson. He learned that now h should be more aware of his surroundings in a more agile

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