Sharks: Great White Sharks

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Great White Sharks In 2015 only 59 shark attacks have occurred around the world compared to the millions of sharks killed by humans every year. Due to these accidental shark attacks people tend to think that sharks, especially Great Whites are evil creatures with malice intentions when attacks do occur; but, on the contrary that is wrong. Sharks are not the only beautiful and unique creatures in the ocean, they also play a vital role in our ecosystem; however, due to human interference they might not be around much longer, through awareness sharks can be protected from endangerment. Great white Sharks are unique beautiful creatures of the ocean. Sharks have survived in the ocean for 450 million years. The scientific name for Great whites is …show more content…

On average they weigh 4,000-7,000 pounds and grow approximately 16-20 feet long ( Great white sharks 1). < commentary needed>Great Whites are the apex predator of the ocean containing 300 serrated teeth and highly-developed senses to hunt prey. Sharks have a great senses of smell, the Great White can smell a drop of blood thousand of miles away. They’re hearing is very powerful , being able to hear the vibrations of prey distances of about 800 ft away and find the exact location through ‘ear stone’( Great white 3). A shark 's sense of hearing truly shows their uniqueness as an apex predator. In addition to great hearing they’re known to have great sight by being able to see up to 50ft away and transition into seeing in light and dark. Additionally sharks have a lateral line on their back that reaches from the front to the back tail, allowing …show more content…

Back in the dynasty the Emperors would serve the dish to honor the guest, because they believed it had healing benefits from the concurring of a shark (Fairclough, Caty). Fin soup still occurs today even when not on special (Fairclough, Caty). In addition the shark fins for can sell for a pretty penny anywhere from $500 a pound or even $1,000 a kilogram (Fairclough, Caty). As a matter of fact, fishermen in Melbour, Segal would export $1300 pounds worth of shark fins a week. It was recorded that a single adult fin sells for $80 and a two-meter monster can sell for $300. Additionally, 1 out of every 100 sharks reported killed between 2000-2008 comes from these fisherman(Hinshaw, Drew). (commentary) about Its question that fisherman practice “unsustainable finning” because it does pay nice , but the amount of money gained by finning isn’t comparable to how much sharks are worth to our economy. The global value of shark finning is around $630 million but is declining, while shark tourism is worth $312 million and promises to be worth $780 million in 20 years ( source 8). Human activity of finning isn’t the only reason to the decline of Great White sharks, human protection is another

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