Brief Summary: The Collapse Of Shark Water

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Every year, there are about 100 million Sharks killed, ultimately for its commercial success. Their fins are used as the main ingredient for a dish so-called Shark soup. However, many are unaware of the actual importance of Sharks' existence on Earth. They do a number of things to control and balance aquatic life down below, which in return affects how we live on the surface. Sharks have existed in our world for over 400 million years, if they were to suddenly disappear for industrial purposes, much problems will be encountered throughout the world. We must preserve the lives of Sharks, for many reasons most importantly that shark hunting is morally wrong, it may provide economic failure in a given time, and it may serve a critical unbalance …show more content…

If the ocean’s ecosystem were to collapse, it would greatly affect life even on the surface. Sharks tend to eat fish who are much slower and sickly therefore they keep the population of fish in a healthier state. We depend on the oceans for the oxygen that we breathe because of certain species in the ocean that produce oxygen such as Phytoplankton, if Sharks were to be extinct, we would lose a great amount of the oxygen on Earth because the balance of living Phytoplankton and other species would not be enough. Furthermore, Sharks have been maintaining the balance of our ecosystem for 400 million years, if these sharks were to be gone, who would balance this heavy task? A number of scientific studies demonstrate that depletion of Sharks results in the loss of important fish and shellfish species from the food chain, including key fisheries such as tuna, which help the health of coral reefs. Leading to my next topic, how the extinction of Sharks may provide economic …show more content…

Not only do the methods of removing the fins of a shark are barbaric and horrifying, but also is it ever so useless. The process of shark finning involves slicing a shark's fins and tossing them back into the ocean, to die an excruciating death eaten by other marine life. 99 percent of the shark is not even used, making it a waste of essential protein and nutrients. Shark fins are used to prepare a cultural meal entitled shark soup, it really is tasteless and contains no nutritional value. Sharks are taken in regardless of species, age, and even health. Since it takes 7 to 14 years for Sharks to mature; every year, sharks are being depleted faster than they can reproduce. However, in contrast, there are people who question why we should stop shark finning when cows, pigs and chickens are killed in massive rates. Sharks' bodies are not even fully used like these farm animals, and are not even farmed to begin with. Unlike them, sharks play a very significant role in the ecosystem. All around the world, Sharks are being hunted down in vast numbers that make these fishers/hunters violate international law. They overfish, having unsustainable fishery. Shark finning is not the only unjust case, many people have also been caught longlining (baiting a shark with a hook), where hunters use it for killing sharks as a sport. They have well contributed to the increased killings. Also, the killing of sharks really is not very significant to human health

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