Self Assessments In The Workplace: Self Analysis

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Introduction Throughout the semester, I took multiple self-assessments to evaluate who I am as a person and how I am in the workplace. The purpose of self-assessments is to explore who I am, what I want, where I want to go, and how I can get there ( Even though I have a good understanding of who I am as a person, it was interesting to see how some of these self-assessments turned out. They correlated with how I feel towards myself, but also they brought up some areas that I did not know about myself. I completed self-assessments on the topics: personal understanding, conflict diagnosis and management, leadership and followership, teamwork, and power and influence. Personal Understanding Three self-assessments I took …show more content…

The “Big Five” include openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism. Everyone has these traits, but the way everyone differentiates among them is how we differentiate people’s personalities (Bauer & Erdogan, 2015, section 3.3). On the Big Five Personality 360 assessment, I received an extraversion score of twelve and a conscientiousness score of thirteen. A score of twelve through fifteen on this assessment is considered as high. My agreeableness, emotional stability, and openness-to-experience scores were all moderate. On the Employee Engagement Survey, I received a score of nine for vigor, a score of four for dedication, and a score of six for absorption. For the first assessment, I was expecting these results. Instead of basing them on the workplace, I based them on how I view myself as a person. For the last assessment, I knew I was not going to have a high score, but I expected it to be more moderate and not so …show more content…

My responsibilities are to greet customers, answer phone calls, and write receipts for sales. Since I am the first person customers see, it is my job to be enthusiastic and make sure their visit at Lexus is off to a great start. If I make customers excited about coming to Northtown that could make the rest of their shopping experience a good one, which could lead to a potential sale. Besides that, my job is fairly easy and requires little to no effort. In addition, my job is temporary and once I graduate, I will be looking for a full-time position elsewhere. Even though I complete the tasks that I am assigned, my job does not inspire me and I do not find it challenging. I often become bored and find myself leaving the front desk whenever I get the chance to walk around the dealership or talk to the other employees. My results reflected my views on the workplace. I learned that I do not have the willingness or need to invest effort and I am not strongly involved or experience pride, or inspiration at

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