Second Year High School Students Should Be Allowed to Choose Their Teachers

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Have you ever been tired of getting the same kind of teacher? The one who doesn’t understand you? The one who you don’t understand? Teachers are some of the most important people in our lives, so why not have the right to choose them?

Students who are in their second year of high school should be able to choose their teachers. They are capable of doing so, but why aren’t they allowed? Students should have this choice because of many reasons. One of those reasons is that they know exactly what their needs are and have their own thinking skills that only a certain teacher can fulfil. The other reason to have this right is because students are more likely to listen to a teacher they enjoy and look up to. Moreover, teachers themselves have an advantage as it will be rewarding them in some cases. Finally, choosing the same teacher more than once will improve the student-teacher relationship.

To begin with, students have their own thinking skills and a different way of learning. They are more likely to share their weakness, strengths and feelings with the teachers only when they like the teachers personality. When students go to a teacher, it is obvious that the students’ like their teaching styles. For example, if a teacher demonstrates with pictures while teaching, students who like to get educated by pictures are likely to go to him/her. Some students learn by pictures while for others, it is very distracting.

"Young people are a school's customers, and they see lots of different teaching styles over the course of a school career,” commissioner for England, Dr Maggie Atkinson said.

Students have their own pace at which they learn. If a teacher works with students at a slow pace with step by step instructions, students w...

... middle of paper ...

...ns. If we want change and want the students listening to the teachers, pupils choosing their own teacher is a necessity.

Works Cited

Debate Org. ic-b

Attwood, Collin. Should students be allowed to choose their teachers? October, 2009. Generic Blog (


Kappan, Delta, Phi. Choices for Children. September, 1993.


Yee, Coleman. Choose the Teacher, Not the subject. October, 2006. Metacole


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