Scotiabank Student Bursary

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PERSONAL STATEMENT The Scotiabank Student Bursary is seeking a student with academic leadership and outstanding character that will fit in with the Scotiabank values. This criterion correlates with me as an individual, my values and the reasons I believe I deserve to be considered for the 2017 Scotiabank Student Bursary; my achievements and dedication to academics, athletics, and extracurricular activities. Not only will the Scotiabank Student Bursary help me to finance a university level education, but it will also help me to continue to excel in and beyond the classroom. I currently attend Cayman Prep and High School, completing my last year of A Levels before I attend university in which I not only obtained one of the highest AS grades …show more content…

Business is an extremely broad field so narrowing down my concentration was a bit harder. H. J Brown once said, “nothing is more expensive than a missed opportunity” and many opportunities impacted me. Perhaps the most significant opportunity was attending ‘Here and Now ‘ college and career sessions at school. Employees from several organizations came in each session and all had a story to share and each one inspired me to specify exactly what I wanted to concentrate on in business. It was at one of these sessions that I realized that I wanted to study Accounting and become one of the best accountants in my field in the future. “So much potential for growth” and “A global career” were some of the comments made by the speakers that drew me in. Through research, I repelled the presumptions I had about being an Accountant and quickly fell in love with this career. I do not have a ‘destined to be’ reason, like that I came from a generation of accountants, it was just from taking the opportunity given to me and utilizing it to my best ability. Another opportunity I …show more content…

Having already received three different scholarships from CUC, Greenlight RE and The Cayman Islands Government to complete A Level studies I know the duties of a scholarship recipient and I am more than capable of transferring this to university level. I know there will be equally or even more qualified candidates than me, but I sincerely believe I will be an excellent ambassador for Scotiabank, and the Cayman Islands not only during my time as a recipient but after I have completed university. Without my A Level scholarships, I would not have been able to complete A Levels due to financial hardship in my single-mother home of 3 and the same applies to my university

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