Career Essay: My Career Field Of Business Administration

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My Career Field of Business Administration As a child, have you ever been asked what do you want to be when you grow up? When I was little, all I ever wanted to do was open up my own dance company. I chose to study Business Administration because I love the feeling of being an in professional and sophisticated manner. I really feel as though choosing the business field was the best option I ever made for myself because I’m getting the opportunity to show many people out there how professional I can be and also the skills I have as a person. The history of business administration deals government regulations, organizations, methods, labor relations and impact on society. This career field includes entrepreneurs, biographies of individual companies, …show more content…

Demand is for those who earned a degree in business administration or business related field are in high demand. Versatility is for those with a degree in business who are entering the working world with unrivaled versatility. Opportunities, there are so many opportunities out there for those with a business degree. In the business field, there are so many different opportunities such as: getting to know others company that you are competing with, meeting plenty of board members, being able to get promoted, and etc. The business world has a lot that people can benefit from in the long …show more content…

Being a business administrative doesn’t require much additional training, but it requires plenty of additional duties. The additional duties actually come in very handy when a person gets promoted to a higher position. In the business world, it is optional if you want to continue your education to hold a certain position. Nobody is forcing you to go out there and further more your education, but in my opinion I would make the best choice in going much further with my education. There’s no problem in going further with your education, but if you do then you’re making a great choice to learn more in the business

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