Scary Experience On The Road

521 Words2 Pages

Most people I know have had some sort of scary experience on the road. Whether it is driving on the road or trying to cross the street. My scariest experience took place on a sunny Thursday afternoon driving home. I pick my brother up from school around the same time everyday. But for some reason, I decided to pick him up a few minutes earlier that day. I took the same, usual, boring road to picking him up. There was no traffic that day, no pedestrians on the sidewalks and the sky was clear. Not a cloud in sight. There was nothing on the radio and no one sitting next to me to talk to. So I just concentrated on the road. I get to entrance of my brothers school and he is already standing under the same big ol' tree. The same exact spot he waits for me every day. I come to a slow stop. Stopping perfectly next to him. He took a step forward as I unlocked the door for him. He got inside, sat down and said "Hello." I noticed little specks of sweat on his forehead. I turned up the ac and turned to smile at him. "How was your day?" I asked trying to start a conversation. He start...

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