Descriptive Essay On Chicago Short Story

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It’s as chilly as the artic in the morning at seven A.M. We had our bags already packed from last night. I’ve never been to Chicago neither has my brother we can’t wait. I love big cities like Chicago and my mom had told us some of the fun stuff we happend to be doing. In a half an hour we would head to the train. The clock is beating loudly I couldn’t hear anything but it. Once the car filled with our bags and some snacks, we took off. The car is packed with no were to move. About one hour later we arrived at the train that would take us to Chicago. It took a lot of waiting but the train finally stopped at our station. Most of the seats were already taken by people who got on before we did. I sat with my dad and my little brother sat with my mom. The sad thing was we didn’t get a window seat I really wanted to see the scenery. We got closer and closer until I could see huge buildings. Then errrrr! The brakes went. We made it to the Chicago train station. We walked off the train and my nose filled with the Chicago smell. Also I went deaf from the car horns. Theres no words it was beautiful. We saw skyscrapers, stores, birds, and a lot of people. We made our way to the hotel. It wasn’t that far but when we got there it wasn’t ready so we had to wait about two hours. Once it was ready It looked like lava from a volcano. The window was open and gives the best and worst view of the sun in the morning. “Time to get in the shower”. My mom yelled. Once we were done getting ready we walked out of the hotel and took a big whiff of the big city we were in. The smells are deadly but delightful. We saw a pizza place and got some Chicago pizza it’s was pretty cool and there was a lot of cheese. After that we went to a couple museum of dinosaurs and ancient animals. Once it was night we walked around to a McDonalds and got food. I loved to city at night it was so beautiful. The city looked like there was a million stars all over from the

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