Sachet Water Case Study

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In his study states that 4P‟s applied by Sachet- water Vendors Product that is Product, Price, Place, and Promotion. Water quality focused , for both hand-tied and factory-produced sachet water, and the brand name and company reputation of factory-produced sachet water. From questionnaires directed to customers of sachet water, 80% felt that the water quality of factory-produced sachet water was good and only 33% felt the same for hand-tied sachet water. The reality is that factory-produced sachet water was generally considered to be “pure water” may have been a reason why 90% of the interviewees bought it despite it being more expensive when compared to hand-tied sachet water (90% also includes those who bought both hand-tied and factory-produced sachet water). Reasons for choosing specific sachet-water brands included the quality of the physical product itself, convenient availability, the brand name and company reputation. 40% of the respondents preferred “Voltic” sachet water. Voltaic, which has been in the Ghana market for the longest time, was established in 1995 and holds 65% market share in Ghana
39 Teshamulwa Okioga , “ Water Quality And Business Aspects Of Sachet-Vended Water In Tamale,
Ghana”, Master of Engineering in Civil and Environmental Engineering thesis Submitted to …show more content…

The consumers have their choices of mineral water. Brand name of the mineral water has an important role on purchased decision of the consumers. Different attributes of mineral water influence the purchase decision of the consumers. Buyer attitude is the psychological, social and physical attitudes of potential consumers as they are able to check, purchase, consume and tell other people about the products and services. How it is different facts of benefits expected from the product before affecting the purchase of the

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