Rude Americans

546 Words2 Pages

Indeed, there are many reasons why rudeness is common in the workplace environment. Unfortunately, as you mentioned Emily, rude behavior is increasingly becoming the norm in today’s society. I agree with your analysis and would like to expound on your idea that rude behavior begins with interpersonal conflict. As we all know and experience at some point in our lives, some individuals are just easier to deal with than others are. Interpersonal problems are more prevalent when difficult people are involved, and this is particularly true and most noticeable in the workplace. When personality traits, attitudes, perceptions, feelings, mannerisms, and behavior differ from our own, we can expect conflict and tension. Hosmer (2011) stated this well: Moral standards of behavior differ between peoples because the goals, norms, beliefs, and values upon which they depend also differ…because of variations in the religious and cultural traditions and the economic and social situations in which the individuals are immersed (p. 3). Getting along with others involves a development of perso...

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