John And Othello: Character Analysis

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Society dictates the way people live. It determines how they interact, their position in life, and the standards uphold themselves to. John and Othello, the main characters of Brave New World and Othello, begin to have their lives shaped by the society they are now immersed in. John and Othello have one thing in common: they both have set high moral standards, for themselves and others. But as the pressures of society begin to increase, the differences between these two men become more and more apparent. It was these moral standards, coupled with their roles in society, that identified them as outcasts and ultimately led to their suicides. The moral code that people establish for themselves reflects the environment that they grow up in. For Right before their suicide, they had caved into the way of society and abandoned their own moral standards. Othello, believing that his love, Desdemona, had made him into a cuckold, decides that the only way to handle the situation is to kill her. He would let no woman make him a mockery to society, but shortly after her death, his mistake is brought to light. This mistake goes against the moral standards that he holds himself so highly accountable to and in just that one action he robs himself of all that he believes to be important, Desdemona and his moral code. Since she had died for breaking his moral code, the only punishment he considers to be fit is to die maintaining the very same code. It was his final act of control over society since he was robbing them of what was vital to their army, in order to restore what was vital to himself. He displays control by doing what’s important over doing what’s important to society. John, on the other hand, believes the ways of society are something to be avoided at all costs and to give into them is the worst act committable. He has no intention of ever taking part in their society, deliberately isolating himself for that very reason, but people come to watch the savage anyway. He becomes so riled by the people that when he sees Lenina, all the John is supposed to be the hero of the Brave New World, he should be the one that restores freedom for the people and provide them with the knowledge they’ve been denied, he should be the victor at the end of the story. But he isn’t, instead he dies because society had changed him, not him changing society. Aldous Huxley purposely wrote his novel this way to create a satire of a utopian future. To demonstrate that a society completely controlled by the government, like the society of the Brave New World, would lose all the characteristics that make it human. It was a warning to take precautions of where the world was headed scientifically and otherwise. Othello’s death was part of a tragic tale meant to entertain, whereas John’s death was meant as a warning of the real-life events occurring then and

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