Romeo And Juliet Alternate Ending Essay

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On a cold, rainy day, Juliet went to Stater Brothers to get food for dinner. She was good friends with the manager there. “Hi Juliet,” said Marcy, the manager as Juliet walked in. “Hi Marcy! How are you doing?,” Juliet responded. Marcy said back happily, “Just fine thank you.” Juliet walked away and headed to the fruits and vegetables isle. When she was there, Juliet noticed a creepy, tall man dressed in all black. Juliet thought that she should keep a safe distance. “Onions, onions, onions,” Juliet said to herself. She wasn’t looking where she was going and accidently bumped into the mysterious guy. “Here are the onions,” he said in a dark grumpy voice. Juliet said back, “Thank you.” Juliet bought what she had needed for dinner and went home.

Early in the morning, Juliet received a phone call. “Hello. This is Juliet speaking.” “ Juliet! Someone had stolen money from the store!,” Marcy yelled, worried. Juliet responded, questioning, “Did you look through the security cameras?” “We can’t,” Marcy said crying. “ Why not?,” Juliet asked. Marcy said back sadly, “The security cameras are smashed!” “ Okay. I’m on my way.,” Juliet said. Juliet rushed out the door but then …show more content…

“Sorry to bother officer, but I think you should go and talk to the very mysterious guy out in the front,” Juliet said very nicely. The police officer replied in a low voice, “Yes ma’am.” The officer walked away and talked to the guy. All of a sudden the police officer banged the odd guy against a car and said, “You’re under arrest! I’m going to take you in for questioning. You are a suspect for robbing this store.” The police officer put handcuffs on the mysterious person and took him to the station. Juliet looked behind me and saw Marcy with a smirk on her face. When she realized Juliet was looking at her, She changed her look into a sad looking person. To Juliet, Marcy was acting mysterious

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