Romeo And Juliet Fate Essay

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In William Shakespeare’s, Romeo and Juliet, two star-crossed lovers are joined together and fatally ripped away from each other.Many examples of fate can be seen in the story of Romeo and Juliet through dreams, choices, and the grudges held between the two families. In the play, we read the two families have this huge problem with each other and Romeo and Juliet meet and they get married. The trick is that the only person to know about the marriage is Friar and Juliet’s nurse. When you think of fate it is always bad but sometimes it can be a good thing here is some of the fates that I have found.When Tybalt says his life is worth noting and he should be killed,“And [if] I were so apt to quarrel as thou art, any man should buy the fee simple …show more content…

So Friar gives her thing potion to drink and when she does she will stay asleep for 72 hours. The potion was one of the ones the Friar knew how to make because he knows a lot about plants and herbs. The plants and herbs are the only way they could make medications and have people feel good about life. It can also be used to make people think you are dead but you are really not dead. That is how Juliet was asleep.Even though there can be good fates then there can also be some bad ones. Bad ones have the worst effect on the play because of what happens to the people. This is some of the bad fates that people have caused. When Romeo sees Juliet laying in her tomb and kills Paris, “(falls) Oh, I am slain! If thou be merciful, Open the tomb. Lay me with Juliet.” Romeo gets caught and has to kill himself or he had to fight Paris. When he fights Paris, he(Paris) gets killed and lays him on top of Juliet so they can be together.The only thing Paris says is to make sure I'm laying with Juliet and then he dies. When Romeo goes to see Juliet and he tells his servant, “A lantern, slaughtered youth, For here lies Juliet, and her beauty makes This vault a feasting presence full of

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