The Impact Of Robotics

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Artificial intelligence refers to the ability of machines to make decisions and perform duties on their own as if they were human beings. Primarily, artificial intelligence is associated with robots to form the term robotics. Robotics involves all the processes involved in the creation, management, development, use, and maintenance of robots. Robots came about as a result of technological development, and since their inception, they have affected various industries and sectors. Transportation is one of the areas that has been affected by artificial intelligence (AI), and there is still more promise of AI involvement in transportation. Overly, there are expectations for more positive impacts on transportation from robotics as compared to the …show more content…

This is because power for transport carriages was transferred from animal and human effort to mechanical. Locomotives began to be used as they were powered by steam and internal combustion engines. Moreover, as Hensher (86) states, the concept of the internal combustion engine led to the development of vehicles and other modern powered carriages. The pressure to find more and better means of transport led to the establishment of trains as well as aero planes. This did not require similar construction and design features like those of vehicles instead, trains needed railway lines whereas planes were to fly in air. In this regard, aero planes required extra sensors, measuring instruments, as well as navigation systems to ensure that they fly safely. This was the first instance of using machines, and it proved to have had a significant effect when a few years later man successfully managed to travel to the moon for the first time. This maiden moon flight highlighted the potential of using robotics as almost everything in the spacecraft which was used depended on artificial …show more content…

First of all, robotics offer more safety and speed that is unmatched by any human beings. This is because the concept of artificial intelligence allows transport vessels to recognize the presence of other objects and avoid colliding. For instance, the radar system in planes allows them to locate nearby aircrafts and change their course accordingly and avoid colliding in mid-air. Regarding vehicles, the presence of a self-inflating airbag in case of an accident prevents injury to vehicle occupants during collisions. Incorporation of robotics in transport has also helped reduce the costs associated with transportation. This is because modern technologies allow less use of fuel since its injection in the engine is controlled by artificial intelligence systems (Davidson, Peter, & Anabelle 2). Moreover, use of artificial intelligence systems in trains has seen the removal of the driver, a fact that leads to saving if costs that would have been spend in paying individuals in such positions. Moreover, robotics and artificial intelligence help reduce pollution due to transportation emissions. This is because there are systems which prevent emissions from automobiles such as active catalytic converters. Moreover, by the fact that artificial systems contribute to fuel saving, they result in fewer emissions as less fuel is burnt. Lastly, using vehicles or planes with

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