Argumentative Essay On Self-Driving Cars

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The term autonomous refers to the capability of acting independently, or having the freedom to do so. A self-driving car is an autonomous car, which has the ability to sense its environment and navigating without any human operations. These types of cars are built to make safe and smart decisions on the road. In the past years, automobile companies have begun to introduce advanced driver assistance systems that are capable of parking, switching lanes, and braking in case of an emergency on their own, without the driver’s assistance. Automated vehicles are capable of maneuvering through street traffic, as well as other natural and man-made obstacles along the way. Therefore, this technology might completely change the methods of transportation. …show more content…

Eran Ben-Joseph, a Professor and Head of the Department of Urban Studies and Planning at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, did a research on the urban driving style. Joseph has come to a conclusion stating that American tends to speed more time behind the wheel, while searching for a parking spot. Joseph also stated that parking lots tend to “cover more than a third of the land area, becoming the single most salient landscape features of our built environment.” Finding parking spots is one of the major problems, and it is one of the primary sources of waste of fuel for many in the urban areas. The need for parking spots has been significantly increasing in the recent years. According to Joseph, Americans spend more than 250 hours a yearly behind the wheel,, and 40 percent of the total gasoline are wasted while searching for parking. Self-driving car’s vehicle-to-vehicle communication is one of the major effective features for transportation. These features will enable self-driving vehicles to communicate with one another and provide real-time status information about their surrounding. This feature is believed to decrease the number of hours and energy wasted while searching for parking significantly. If one car is looking for parking, it will send a status to its surrounding cars with the same features. If these cars find a parking spot, they will send back the position of availability of parking. With these kinds of algorithms, it will most likely help the environment to become safer. In addition, the vehicle-to-vehicle communication feature will be an important factor when it comes to collision avoidance. As each car can sends out data about their position, speed, break status, and additional such data to the other vehicles within a specific distance, there will be much more efficient and people will have a safe

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