Resilience In The Uglie

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Summer Reading Assignment Resilience is defined as “The capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness.” In the Uglies, by Scott Westerfeld, the main character Tally Youngblood the theme is extreme resilience through her journey. By the use of conflict in both the Uglies and “The Art of Resilience,” written by Hara Estroff Marano, this common theme can be found. Due to the author’s ability to develop the plot in Uglies and “If” it is easy to understand why the characters act with such a powerful attitude. Also, both the authors of Uglies and “If” share the same point of view on society. This helps to further reveal the theme to the readers. All in all, the ability to overcome life’s difficulties is important and is developed through the use of conflict, plot, and point of view in the story Uglies and the texts if and …show more content…

Plot is the major events and decisions that make up a story. In the very last sentence of the Uglies Tally says, “‘I’m Tally Youngblood,’ she said. ‘Make me pretty’” (Westerfeld 406). Because the author developed the plot throughout the story we are able to understand why Tally would make this decision. After all that she has done to stay away from the operation she has to resile to save her friend Shay. Likewise, in the second stanza of the poem “If” Rudyard Kipling states, “If you can dream- and not make dreams your master; If you can think- and not make thoughts your aim” (Kipling lines 9 and 10). This father is trying to show his son how to be a man. This shows how the boy has to be tough enough to do things without letting the things he does control him. Both of these texts show how through the development of plot resilience will be needed to overcome obstacles and ultimately become the person you want to be. In conclusion, the plot of a text helps readers to better understand characters actions and

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