Research Paper On The Beatitudes

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You’re Blessed

The scripture reading from Micah reminds me of a court room setting. That God is suing Israel for breaking their covenant with him. Israel has complained that God is responsible for all the disasters that are happening. Israel sounds like many of us today when something has gone wrong in our personal life isn’t God the first one we blame, and when we realized how many things we have such as a home, car, bank account, vacations our answer is our answer is that we are bless from God, no it isn’t, it is because of our all the hard work we have done, God, he has nothing to do with that! You can imagine God asking everyone present, what have I your God done? Look at all of creation isn’t it beautiful, …show more content…

Rather, we live as if the rule of God were present in all its fullness. By the way we live, we translate these words into reality. The Beatitudes are true because of Jesus Christ; they are blessings on disciples who live in authentic Christian …show more content…

When you read this you just might be thinking wait a minute now, I am blessed when someone does this to me? Jesus explained the last beatitude more. He spoke directly to the *disciples: ‘How bless you can be...’, he said. He warned them about how difficult it may be to remain loyal to him. After Jesus returned to heaven, people told many evil lies about the Christians. However, in spite of this last beatitude that Jesus told his disciples about, he also told us that Never will He leaves us, nor never will he forsake us which can be found in the book of Hebrews chapter 13. Each principle is a key to living a godly life. Each brings a blessing from God. They are focused positively on what we should be like rather on what we should not do. They do not merely keep us from evil but lead us to truth. Because of the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives, the people of God can have the love and holiness of God dominate their lives. We can live the way described in the Beatitudes because we know that God’s promises are not empty. God will make them happen. But this, is not a pattern for success, nor a scheme for getting ahead, solving our problems, or even “making it” in the realm of God. That’s why the Beatitudes are counter-cultural. Our culture demands success measured in money and power; the Beatitudes pose a direct challenger to that. We live in this way in spite of whatever happens

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