Philosophy of Leadership

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Although, there are some leaders who are born “natural-born leaders” many must learn the skills to become a successful leader. Every leader has natural strong traits as well as weak areas that need improving. A leader becomes stronger while using their natural talents as well as building on their weaker ones.

A leader is not a super hero. They may be able to fix many problems, but they cannot fix them all. Some natural leaders may appear to be able to solve any issue. However, just as any other person, they have their own weaknesses. Just as superman was weak to kryptonite, some leaders may have shortcomings to public speaking, one on one communication, organization or hundreds of other weaknesses that could be catastrophic if put into the wrong situation. A leader who brushes up these weaknesses will be able to work through even the most trying conflict.

Leaders are characterized by their traits. These are sought by their followers. The followers look for honesty, integrity, compassion, drive, determination and a vast array of other traits, which set a leader out from the crowd. Being treated fairly and with empowerment can make admirers follow a leader into almost any situation.

A leader must know how to read and understand his or her constituents. It is important to remember one must treat others in the same manner that they would like to be treated. This golden nugget is a wealth of wonderful knowledge wrapped up in such a small sentence. Often, leaders will rise to the top and forget this time and tried excerpt. They may not forget it all the time, but do in critical situations where it could make a world of difference. Leaders can treat people with a higher respect just by following this little rule.

Building relationshi...

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...s how Jesus wants people to live. When we act as disciples and conduct ourselves as servant leaders it honors God. It may reflect onto others the good will God gave us and lead others to him. It also gives a great internal fulfillment to help others, not because we are getting something out of it but rather that it helped someone else.

Some leaders may be naturally born. For others, it may be skills that can be learned and polished. By using the strong talents that God gave us and working on the weaker ones that need improvement it is possible to increase leadership skills. No one will ever be the perfect leader. There will always be room for improvement. While improving “love” and “servant leadership” should be at the top of the list of skills to improve.

Works Cited

Hunter, J. C. (2012). The Servant. New York: Crown Business.

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