Research Paper On Operation Bodyguard

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“In wartime, truth is so precious that she should always be attended by a bodyguard of lies.” It was this quote by Winston Churchill that named one of the most effective and difficult Allied operatives of World War II, Operation Bodyguard. Operation Bodyguard was a military deception pulled off by the Allied Nations to fool the Nazis and Germany. The purpose of the mission was to slow down and distract the German reinforcements by setting up a fake battlefield, while the Allied Forces landed on Normandy in what is known as D-Day. The Nazis and Germany were very powerful during this time, and Operation Bodyguard helped slow them down so that the Allied Nations could get a head start and throw them off their game. Operation Bodyguard itself consisted …show more content…

It took the Allied Nations from 1943-1944 to plan and prepare for the operation. For the operation to be successful, the Americans and the British would have to work together as one to pull off what would become known as one of the greatest military deceptions. British officers had captured more than a dozen German spies, who were then used as part of Operation Bodyguard. The British officers gave false information to the German prisoners, and they went back to their German commanders to tell the information to. The Allied Nations thought of every lie possible that they could tell these German spies to relay the message to their commanders. The German prisoners were told false information such as the weather was very bad so they would not be able to use their planes and tanks. This was just the beginning of a well thought out trick that helped the Allied victory on D-Day. The Allied Nations agreed that it would be best to set up the fake battlefield at Pas de Calais, which is 150 miles away from Normandy. As Stephen E. Ambrose noted, “Rommel’s guess was the Pas-de-Calais. He spent more of his time there than anywhere else on his long front, inspecting, prodding, building defenses...but all the evidence available to the Germans continued to indicate the Pas-de-Calais.” Rommel, who was one of Hitler’s head generals was tricked by the Allied Nations into thinking that Pas-de-Calais was going to be the …show more content…

D-Day is more known for being one of the bloodiest battles in history than being known for Operation Bodyguard’s success. In reality, Operation Bodyguard is one of the main reasons why the Allied Nations were able to pull off a victory in Normandy. The success of the operation allowed the Allies Nations to have more time to build a beachhead, since they had delayed German reinforcements for a total of seven weeks. To pull of deceptions such as making inflatable tanks, dummy paratroopers, radio deceptions, a fake army and to have an actor play the role of the British General is utter brilliance. To make that all happen and go the way they planned it to took hours of work and preparation by the Allied States, especially if they wanted to beat a very powerful German Army. It was not anything easy to pull off something so magnificent as operation bodyguard. General Dwight Eisenhower, who was one of the leaders of Operation Bodyguard said, “The best deception is attained by feeding an opponent with falsehoods which he wants to believe.” The Allied nations lead the Germans into endless traps by giving them false information. All of that information that the Germans were obtaining is what they thought they needed to know, but in the end, all of the information they were told was false. Operation Bodyguard is known as one of the greatest military deceptions ever, because of all the endless

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