Research Paper On Gary Yourofsky

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“It is not your right—based on YOUR traditions, YOUR customs and YOUR habits—to deny animals THEIR freedom so you can harm them, enslave them and kill them. That’s not what rights are about. That’s injustice.” Gary Yourofsky, one of the most well-known animal activists in the vegan community, has garnered both positive and negative attention. Yourofsky understands a really dangerous issue facing our lives and that the animals, the earth, and the health of our population is suffering. It’s a cycle that many people can’t break until it’s too late. While we do have the power to kill large amounts of animals senselessly, it’s unnecessary and cruel. How can we live in a country that we’re truly proud of, if it’s based off of death and …show more content…

I believe in a country that recognizes how inhumane and disgusting it is to support the idea and mentality of concepts like fur and factory farming. We like to sweep things like animal rights and environmental issues under the rug. We say, ‘greenhouse gases have nothing to do with eating animals,’ or ‘cows and pigs are put down humanely.’ We shame vegans for being ethical, healthy people. Imagine what would happen if America as a whole were to go vegan. Obesity rates would plummet, our carbon footprint wouldn’t be so heavy, and imagine how many animal’s lives would be saved. These are solutions to real problems we’re facing. We could set an example for the rest of the world. America is pretty much known as being the most diverse country as we’ve got different nationalities and backgrounds. People are truly free to be the people they want to be. Some people think that the solution is to remove our diversity, however, this couldn’t be more wrong. We should be removing the things that actually prove harmful. For example, eating animals. More than 9,000,000,000 land animals die each year in the U.S. alone to produce meat, dairy, and eggs. Does this sound like a nation to be proud of? As awful as this all is, I don’t believe it’ll last forever. I believe in a world where I don’t see animal death statistics in the billions. I believe that soon, all injustices will come to an end.

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