794 Words2 Pages

Animals have their own rights as do to humans and we should respect that and give them the same respect we give each other. Animals deserve to be given those same basic rights as humans. All humans are considered equal and ethical principles and legal statutes should protect the rights of animals to live according to their own nature and remain free from exploitation. This paper is going to argue that animals deserve to have the same rights as humans and therefore, we don’t have the right to kill or harm them in any way. The premises are the following: animals are living things thus they are valuable sentient beings, animals have feeling just like humans, and animals feel pain therefore animal suffering is wrong. 2 sources I will be using for my research are “The Fight for Animal Rights” by Jamie Aronson, an article that presents an argument in favour of animal rights. It also discusses the counter argument – opponents of animal rights argue that animals have less value than humans, and as a result, are undeserving of rights. Also I will be using “Animal Liberation” by Peter Singer. This book shows many aspects; that all animals are equal is the first argument or why the ethical principle on which human equality rests requires us to extend equal consideration to animals too.

The biocentric worldview, which is life centered, focuses on the importance of all living things and considers all living things to have intrinsic value. I will be using Peter Singer’s ideas as the main focus explaining that animals share equal moral status with human beings and that therefore is unethical for people to kill and eat them. In “All Animals are Equal” by Peter Singer recognizes that there are differences between humans and other species. As he ...

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...sounds for many of us. Like I’ve argued above, I feel it is important to practice and encourage vegetarianism for ethical, ecological, and healing reasons but not being forced to do so. Otherwise it’s considered to be unethical and unhealing. I reason for biocentric worldview to be more just than the dominant worldview, because it seems that their reasoning is much more even-handed as it’s not right for humans to cause needless pain and suffering on the animal’s part though humans are central.


Aronson, Jamie "Point: The Fight for Animal Rights." Points of View: Animal Rights (2007): 5.

Points of View Reference Center. EBSCO. Web. 7 Apr. 2010.

Getman, Liz. “Ethics: Food and Animal Rights.” ITHACA. Ed. 7 Apr. 2010


Singer, Peter. Animal Liberation. New York, NY: The New York Review of Books, 1975.


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