Renaissance Music And Music In The Renaissance Era

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The Renaissance era was still focused on God, but not quite since it was a better time the music moved to a different direction because of the belief people can control their own destinies and shape their world while creating art known as humanism. The era was more about rebirth and exploration and so was the art. "The catholic church was less powerful during the Renaissance than the Middle Ages" (Page 97) also education became more of a status symbol. Music of the Renaissance was from 1450 to 1600 still church choirs were sung by all males but now the harmonies are polyphonic. The courts were becoming more prevalent, so singing for the nobility was the job for musicians they often traveled and stayed with the elite. " Renaissance composers …show more content…

Like the Chansons in the Middle ages the Renaissance had their rendition of love songs called Madrigal where four or more would sing love poems. The Renaissance utilized instruments more than the Middle ages did but not really in the catholic church because the use of instruments was used in pagan religions and the Catholics wanted to keep that distinction. The lute was used it is described as pear shaped and also the early model for the guitar. The use of the recorder, the early forms of the violin, the cello and organ were used in Renaissance music. Choirs song polyphonic sacred text compositions during Mass known as Motet. The information about the Renaissance helped me identify it and made me better understand why it was created the music is more joyful and has a better wide range of emotions to connect to than from that of the Middle …show more content…

The art and the music were very loud and expressive during this time. Music during this era was mainly for the nobility because they were the only ones who could truly enjoy it because of the extreme amount of wealth that they had. The nobility had the t resources to have musicians and singers live and travel with them, they also had the room and space to build theatres within their confines. They wanted to convey emotions to their audience and make them feel this is called the doctrine of affection. Basso Continuo was a huge part of the music because it set the foundation for the melody. For the Baroque era, the rhythm was the "unity of mood in the baroque music is conveyed, first of all, by the continuity of rhythm. Rhythm patterns heard at the beginning of the piece are repeated throughout it" (Page 123). The texture during this time was very thick because of the level of sounds from the singing and the instruments and the polyphonic harmonies. Music had movement and theme that could convey many emotions during on composition. This time was all about storytelling and that was Oprea was about. Oprea was about storytelling, stories of tragedies mostly plays about roman mythologies where the women interest often dies , love plays. Since the nobility had most of the power and did not do much they had time to sit around listening to music all day, that is why

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