Reflection Paper On This Is Water

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After watching the “This is Water” video, I learned to take more into account when thinking about my current situations and surroundings. Everyone has their own problems in their lives and it is up to me to take it into account or to ignore it. Another reason why I want to a nice person is because I don’t want to make a person’s life even more difficult or to help lessen their problems. I remember when I was younger, like during middle school, I thought I had a terrible life and that everyone else had a better one. Of course, I was wrong because as time went on I saw what was happening to other people across the world and realized that I didn’t have a bad life, but one that many would wish for. I also have my younger brother who feels like …show more content…

He needs to grow up or understand how bad other people’s lives are compared to his and hopefully come to realize that it isn’t bad at all. I think that he says that stuff because my parents usually never disciplined him, and he always got everything he wanted. I guess now that he is growing up he is hearing no a lot more and he can’t handle it. Whatever the reason is he will have to change since he can’t be treated as a kid forever. Next time he is says that again I will hopefully remember the “This is Water” video and show him it after he has calmed down. He also complains about having a family that does not care for him and how he wants to either die or get a new one. I hate when he says that, but he mainly says that when doesn’t get what he wants or when he is not given the attention he wants. I would sit down and talk to him, but he mainly just ignores what we say to him, however he never mentions the same problem again and acts like that never happened. With someone like my brother near me to be an example of how not to act I can always remember to be open minded, be patient, and have a very big tolerance …show more content…

I have had some misperceptions in my life and it was mainly when I was younger. Also, my mom mainly had given me some very untrusting perspectives of certain types of events and people. For example, I always wanted to give money to the people who had some signs saying they needed some and my mom always said that they probably use the money to buy alcohol or drugs. Of course, she would deny this if asked but she always says that like on Tuesday when I donated some money to someone outside a Walmart with a sign saying the money is for the wounded warriors or something like that. She just does not trust people that are asking for money and thinks that they are using the money to buy something bad. This has been planted into me and now comes to my mind when I think about giving someone money. Also, I have been engraved mentally with the many stereotypes in the world and sometimes I might jump to those conclusions or ty to avoid them, which can make people assume that I am stereotyping them. Nowadays I don’t really judge people because now I don’t care about anything that they are or are

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