Reflection On Happiness

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“A world without other people would be hell on earth” (Diener & Biswas-Diener, 2008, p. 49). If we are honest, at one point or another, we all wished that other people would just disappear and we could have just a few hours without others interrupting us or needing us to run off and do something, but can you really picture your life without others. In their book, Happiness: Unlocking the mysteries of psychological wealth, Ed and Robert Diener talk about such a scenario, a world with only you and no others. It was interesting to read how at first it was fun to run around and explore into people 's personal lives and secrets. To visit famous locations otherwise restricted to the common man. The story goes on like this until about a year later when loneliness and boredom set in. Why learn to do anything new or exciting with noone to share it with? We are human are social creatures by nature. In the Bible we read, The Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.” (Holy Bible, Gen. …show more content…

I am reminded of the time I had taught myself how to sew using a sewing machine for the first time. I read the ins and outs, and watched how to videos, and then set to work. That year everyone received new pajamas as part of their christmas gift. Each person wore their new item with pride, in turn making me feel proud of my new skill. I am reminded of a time when my children learned how to ride a bike for the first time. We had practiced time and time again, until atlast one day they got it. It was a proud moment for them as well as for my husband and I. I could go on and on, but each memory that comes to mind was shared with more of more person at the time. Sure we all need those times of solitude, but those period should be short, and then return as part of the social circle as a

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