Happiness Vs Happiness Essay

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So, release unhappiness and consume happiness. Bye, bye unhappiness, hello happiness. Typically many are consumed by ‘miswanting’ – making decision based on what we think will make us happy (e.g., a new car or home). Now, researchers go one step further to tell us where happiness resides for most of us, as consumers. One study about consumption vs. happiness finds that people are more happy when they spend money on ‘experience’ (travel) instead of material objects (new TV set). The enjoyable experience is what they typically relish. The finding is that spending money for an experience – travel, concerts, or outing, for example – produce longer-lasting satisfaction than spending money on same old plain stuff, TV, car, etc. – especially one …show more content…

Yet, happiness is not a condition, a gift or a talent, though some people appear to have a natural knack for happiness than others. They seem to have no particular reason for being happy except that they are so. Sometimes it may lie in one’s genetic disposition to be happier than others in identical circumstances; they have inherent aptitude for happiness. They are born with it: born happy. It is the genetic factor. But, it is also a skill that can be acquired, practiced into habit. Typically, a man tends to count his misfortunes more than his fortunes. But if he counts his fortunes at the same time with the same sensitivity, he would see that for every misfortune there are so many fortunes, for every pain there are so many pleasures. If he counts it right, he will be very happy. It is a hard arithmetic, but to be master with the math, we need to welcome these blessings and recount ourselves to be happy every day, every time. We need to reconcile, recognize and appreciate what we have (good health) and what we do not have (cancer). The talent of being happy is an understanding. Intelligence starts here. It is not a huge effort; it is possible and achievable. It is some form of …show more content…

A simile can be drawn as: each correct answer of an arithmetic problem is same while each incorrect answer is different in its own way, for each follows a unique wrong path. An unhappy person, or an unhappy family, for that matter, has its own brand of

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