Reflection On Behavior Change

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While reassessing my wellness wheel as my behavior change project draws to a close, I also compared it to the original wellness wheel I completed at the start of this project, and found that I made further improvements in the dimensions of mental health, personal safety and injury prevention, nutrition and diet, social health, and self-image. I had a very slight improvement in fitness, but nothing to major regarding actual improvement, which is why I will be seriously working towards improving this dimension of my life very soon, in order to establish healthy exercise patterns and improve my overall health. I believe that the improvement I have had in these dimensions of health is due to the fact that I prompted taking better care of myself by increasing the average amount of sleep I was able to get per night, as well as the quality of sleep I received. Before initiating my behavior change project, I getting ah mere five to six hours of sleep per night on average, which is less than the ideally recommended seven and a half to eight hours. Reflecting back, I sincerely agree with my initial beliefs and observations that lack of sleep encouraged irregular and unwholesome eating practices late at night and throughout the day, and negatively …show more content…

I believe that focusing on improving my sleep allowed me to put more time and effort toward focusing what it was I really wanted to do with my time every day, and allowed me to make time for the things I wanted to do without feeling guilty for not focusing on work. I forced me to prioritize what I wanted along with focusing in my academic responsibilities and I feel that maintaining such a balance was extremely

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