Reflection In A Supervisory Relationship

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Regular reflection and self-appraisal are an important part of any supervision and you should make the supervisee aware that this will be an expectation of their supervision. These reflections should include their experiences and also a reflection of how their practice might make the client feel and analysis of their work and its implications. Wherever possible, ask the person to assess their own performance. Reflection in a supervisory relationship requires a foundation of honesty and trust. The goal is to create an environment in which people do their best thinking—one characterized by safety, calmness and support. As Manager it is important to have the ability to support and encourage the supervisee to reflect on their experiences and their practice with the aim of increasing the accuracy of their self-appraisal. Reflective supervision is characterized by active listening and thoughtful questioning by both parties. The role of the supervisor is to help the supervisee to answer her own questions, and to provide the support and knowledge necessary to guide decision-making. In addition, the supervisor provides an empathetic, non-judgmental ear to the supervisee. Working through complex emotions in a “safe place” allows the supervisee to manage the stress she experiences on the job. …show more content…

Gibbs' (1981) model (below) is a simple representation of the reflective practice

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