Reflection On Supervision And Supervision

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client desired a consistent therapeutic relationship following a change in three counselors in three months. The client stated that he wanted to work on and develop a relationship with his children, he wanted to find employment, and he wanted to successfully develop coping skills in order to develop strength in a sober environment. I often feel that society directs their bias towards substance abuse and cannot possibly imagine how individuals get to the point of addiction. Societies’ values are rooted in judgement, excess, and entitlement when in fact, addiction does not discriminate. I have encountered more individuals at SAS who have come from “traditional” families that struggle just as hard with their addiction as individuals that would …show more content…

There are many reasons supervision is important, but for me, discussing my experiences and/or a specific problem is particularly helpful throughout this continued learning process. For me, supervision has been a combination of success and challenges. For instance, I find myself struggling with the differences in practice styles between Credentialed Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Counselors (CASACs) and my own ethical standards as a social worker. To begin with, imagine an eager student willfully entering an agency with an abundant amount of energy to help clients, even the most difficult client, surrounded by some counselors who are burnt-out and lacking the motivation to exclusively “be there.” I sometimes feel like clients are told what to do rather than letting them decide their own pace and goals. Motivational interviewing is a common intervention approach utilized in the addiction setting. For instance, Hepworth, Rooney, Dewberry Rooney, and Strom-Gottfried (2013) explain that motivational interviewing is driven by the client’s right to either accept or not accept the suggestion of the counselor. If the client’s autonomy is stripped and goals are created for them rather than generated collaboratively, this can lead to problems. The client may feel that they are pressured to continue treatment and will no longer

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