Reference Group Case Study

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3.5. Reference groups
Consumer behavior is often influenced by others when it comes to making decisions about the types of products or services purchased. Understand these reference group function will help marketers gain better understanding of consumer behaviors. Because other consumers tell us about the product will have a stronger impact than the advertising we expose to.
The table below summaries important findings from the interview which describes the association between T’s decision making process and reference group’s influence.
Description of Reference Group Sales people- those people whom T sought advices in shoes function area. Her friends – those T sought advices for her product choice. Commercial advertisements – model on the …show more content…

Therefore, part of T’s purchase decision was influenced by salesperson.
(Informational influences) As mentioned above, T sought for a need of recognition and belongingness. Consequently, her purchase decision was driven by her friends’ influences (utilitarian influence) By exposing to extensive marketing advertising, T was affected by model in the advertising, She hoped she could portray some characteristics such as energetic, a sense of success which the model has (value-expressive influence)
What they influence The salesperson gave T several useful information about specific brand and products which affected her decision. Therefore, a comparative influence is created. The approval of T’s friends generated normative influence since it didn’t indicate any specific brand. Different ads create different feeling to T. thus, a comparative influence is created in order to form T attitude towards brands.
These salespeople provided information and expert power over T’s decision The acceptance from T’s friends provided reward power to T. Since T wanted to be like the model, she experienced referent …show more content…

• Training salespeople to gain in-depth understanding about the product S4U and know the interaction styles which is the ability to be adaptable to different kinds of consumers.
3.6. Subculture – Age
Marketers often target products and services to a specific age cohort since consumers’ age significantly influence consumer’s identity. As we grow older, our need, preferences, attitudes and even lifestyles change, often in concert with others who are close to our own age (Solomon et al, 2013, p. 422). Thus, marketers need to investigate and communicate with members of an age group in their own language and style.
It is obvious that in age generation, T belongs to Gen Y which consist of people born during the period of 1986-2002 (Solomon et al, 2013, p.428). The Gen Y is defined by some following distinctive characteristics. Certainly, it is clearly that T possesses many of those characteristics since she is a member of Gen Y.
• Connexity: Gen Y highly value being both footloose and social connection. Therefore, when T made her decision, she took into account of her peers’ preference and a need of social

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