Reconstruction and Industrialization

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Reconstruction and Industrialization

After the Civil War, the nation witnessed two major social-economic movements: Reconstruction and Industrialization, which changed the country completely and made it one of the greatest industrialized countries in the world. However, it changed not only the country, but also, the society, its way of life and traditions.

The effort to rebuild the southern states and restore the Union was known as Reconstruction, a period that lasted from 1865 to 1877. Several different plans for Reconstruction emerged during and after the war. Much debate about differing plans centered on who would control Reconstruction -- the President or Congress.

Lincoln had wanted to adopt a mild and forgiving policy toward the defeated rebels. The Radical in Congress, however, thought the South ought to be punished. They also felt that Congress and not The President should make Reconstruction policy. After Lincoln's death, his Vice President Andrew Johnson, wished to continue Lincoln's proposals. He enraged the Radicals, who controlled Congress, by vetoing some of their measures. Johnson's failure to consider congressional views on Reconstruction and his efforts to block radical plans, finally led Republicans in Congress to attempt to impeach him. At his trial in the Senate, Johnson was acquitted by a razor-thin margin and even thought he was acquitted, his political power was gone.

Now the Republican-controlled Congress dictated the terms of Reconstruction. The chief features of this so-called Radical Reconstruction included: the division of the South into five military districts controlled by the U.S. Army, while new state constitutions and governments were being set up; the requirement of the new sta...

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...n the late 1880's, more women began taking jobs outside the home, some out of economics necessity and others out of a desire for a larger role in society. Women started to attend colleges in increasing numbers though the late 1800's and they sought to apply their educations and social concerns in the job market. Women's suffrage, movement started to grow more active.

In addition, Industrialization had aided the settling of the West. A growing United States population and a demand for new lands and resources lured Americans westward, reducing the Native American population and forcing them into ever-shrinking parcels of land. The new technologies helped the people who moved onto Native American lands exploit the wealth of the West. Western land became occupied by miners, ranchers, and farmers. Thus, Industrialization created a new, stronger and greater country.

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