Raising Mentally Healthy Kids

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Raising mentally well adjusted kids can be tough. I believe parents should go above and behind to make sure that their kids’ mental health is okay. It is easy to forget such a thing if you’re a busy parent and you have to worry about them having clean clothes for school, making sure they’re safe and helping them with homework. A more caring parent will nurture their mental health too. As Geoff Nagle states, “What every child needs is a loving, caring adult who is passionately, wildly committed to that child” (qtd. in Raising Emotionally Healthy Children) Advising them to express their feelings, building self-esteem and developing social skills are a few ways parents can raise a child with an good mental state. Teenagers for example may be going through things that they don’t want to talk to their parents about so it’s easy for them to pretend things are okay and that’s a fact, I was there once… However the well-being of a child’s mental needs may not be as easy to spot out. All you have to do is love your child and be patient with them. Hopefully these few tips can lead …show more content…

Knowing that it is okay to be upset or even angry but advising children to act on those feelings aren’t very healthy. “Feelings needn’t be rational, nor do you have to “fix” them. Instead, comfort your children and let them know you love them, rather than try to talk them out of how they feel” (Darlene Lancer). This can be a key to help kids control their anger if that’s something they need work on. I know for me that writing in a journal was helpful when I was younger because it allowed me to get everything out that was in my head or something that was bothering me during that time. Allowing your child to have an outlet to express those feelings and overcome them rather than to mask whatever is going on will help them in the long

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