Public Schools Vs. Charter Schools

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According to oxford dictionary, a charter school is a publicly funded independent school established by teachers, parents, or community groups under the terms of a charter with a local or

national authority. A public school is a school supported by public funds. Students learn in their own way,the school's title does not contribute to the education received.

Many may ask the question when looking for a school for their child, "Will they receive a better

education from a charter school than a public school?” A lot of people forget that more goes into a

school and the education than just the classification. We need to think about the teachers' teaching

techniques, the child's learning style, and the environment. (Public Schools …show more content…

Imagine, just the way someone teaches can make or break a student’s opinion on

learning. Teaching styles are what make learning either fascinating or boring. (Changing the Way We


On the other hand, everyone has one of three learning styles. Some have more than just one

learning styles. There are auditory, visual, and kinesthetic. (Why Is Learning Style So Important?) This

means some people learn better by listening, looking, and even hands on learning. If all options are not

offered then a student may not understand the lessons being taught. (Types of Learning Styles.)

Some may think that the environment doesn't really matter, but when learning everyone and

everything around you can influence you. When at a charter school you can be more comfortable. It's

like being part of a family, not just another student in the crowd. On the down side, when you're in

such a small environment you may not know how to respond when you go to college and are in a big

group of people. (Pros and Cons of Teaching at a Charter School)

The way someone teaches can affect the way children learn, because …show more content…

It doesn't matter if it is at a charter school or public school, comprehension depends on

the child and the way they're taught. Each person falls under either visual, kinesthetic, or auditory. These

different styles can be the deciding factor on if a student comprehends the material.

Karen Oquendo, the Center Director at PRIDE Learning Center in West Los Angeles, says that

”educators are a big role model for student and help shape the child education”. She continues to

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