Pseudomonas Dermatitis

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Pseudomonads are aerobic, Gram-negative rods that vastly spread throughout soil, water, and surfaces. They are capable of surviving in harsh conditions, but have enhanced survival capabilities in a moist environment as well. Unfortunately, they are resistant to several antibiotics and disinfectants. The most prominent species is Pseudomonas aeruginosa, which is considered the model of an opportunistic pathogen (Tortora, & Funke, 2013). Pseudomonads are responsible for the continued outbreaks of Pseudomonas dermatitis. Their mode of transmission is associated with swimming pools, jacuzzis, and saunas. These are all examples of a moist environment that is needed for Pseudomonads survival. Although transmission may occur in a swimming pool in …show more content…

There are three categories that acne falls under: comedonal acne, inflammatory acne, and nodular cystic acne. All these different acnes required different treatments. First, comedonal acne is caused by the human body skin cells going through a process of shedding inside the hair follicles, but when the cells shed at a high rate, they combine with sebum and cause the pore to clog the follicle. Common treatments prescribed are topical agents such as salicyclic acid. There is no transmission mode for Comedonal acne, it is not contagious; therefore, cannot be transmitted to another human. Second, inflammatory acne is caused by bacterial infections, which is a form of anaerobic diphtheroid that is commonly found on the skin. Neutrophils that secrete enzymes that damage the wall of the hair follicle are attracted to the site, which results in the inflammation appearance of pustules and papules (Tortora, G. J., &Funke, B. R. (2013). Antibiotic treatment is most common for this acne as well as benzoyl peroxide against some forms, such as propionibacterium acne. Nursing interventions for this particular acne would be focused more on self-esteem issues for the patient as this acne is commonly found on the face. Another nursing intervention would be to educate the patient with different ways to cleanse the affected area, and if allowed, maybe show them how to use a concealer. Third,

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