Pros And Cons Of Young Adults Join The Service

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People who join the service want to help the world around them. If people, make young adults join the service they may not be motivated to help fight for their country. There are three prompts that will relate to the joining of young adults to the service, that will be discussed in this essay. In the first prompt, they are talking about young men joining the service. Men joining the service at such a young age can harm them in many ways. The stress can cause them to be mentally unstable and fighting can lead to an early death. Making these young adults be in the service will make them less motivated to fight because they don’t want to be there. Also, they may not understand what is going on making them feel very confused and out of place. Overall, making these young adults joint he service and lead to a very stressful future. In the second prompt they are talking about how there is an all-time low and they need people to join the service. Having high school graduates join the service at such a young age can harm them for their future. But on the other hand having people who are older join the service can put others at risk because they may be becoming weak and can move as fast and a young high school graduate. Having these kids join the service could also be beneficial for them because it will teach them to live life to the fullest and don’t …show more content…

If the men know what they are doing, they should not be put into harm’s way. Many of these men will be trained so if they are put at harm’s way then, they will know what to do. Joining the service won’t put you at harm’s way, he only way it will put you to harm is when you are fighting in the war. When you are fighting you need to make sure that you have all of the equipment needed to provide for your safety. Overall, as long as the young adults know what they are doing, pay attention, and follow directions then they should not be in harm’s

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