Pros And Cons Of Gasoline Cars

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Financial status are very crucial for the community, we prosper with financial success, and we suffer during economic downturns, and that’s where electric cars come into play. Electric cars will help to stimulate the economy substantially when it attacks the market by encouraging more spending to increase the money flow. During 2011, it costed a little more to drive an electric car than a gasoline car, however, with better battery technology now, and easier charging access, the cost for consumers have soon decreased. On average now days, it cost about 7.8 cents to drive one mile on electricity, and 15.9 cents on gasoline. Thus is technically cheaper to fuel the car with electricity than gasoline, and that’s why we should make these resources more readily available to the public. Electric cars sales are also expected to increase to 7% by the …show more content…

My position on this paper is that electric cars are better and my opponents therefore take the position that the traditional gasoline cars are better for the society, because that´s what is currently being widely used. They give the reason that electric car´s benefits are not balanced with its negative aspects, and that we are overrating the benefits of electric cars. In response to their reason that gasoline cars are what’s been widely used until today, once fossil fuel and such resources runs out, we will be forced to make a switch to using alternative energy. Therefore, we should be proactive, and make the switch before we run out of gasoline, so we can be more prepared for the change. The opponents also argue that the environmental benefits aren’t very significant, but as time goes on, and all the consequences will build up and hit us hard if we don’t do something about it. Thus we should do every little thing to reduce our air pollution, and preserve the

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