Professionalism In The Workplace Essay

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Based on the first question, I believe the professionalism is strongly required by employers. On one hand, professionalism means an individual’s conduct at work. Typically it will noticed by the boss, co-workers and customers. Likewise, it can affect personal ability to keep the job and advance in future career. On the other hand, the professionalism exhibits “be punctual on the work, dress appropriately, treat others with respect and don’t air your dirty laundry” (Mckay, 2016). About specific skills that are most valued by employer, I think the communication skills and multitasking skills are important for employees in the workplace. For some employees who working in customer service, he or she must communicate directly with customers. Effective communication skills are crucial to ensure the quality of the work, speech in presentation is clear and professional. What is more, each employee is probably work with others and responsible for multitask kinds assignments, the multitasking skills includes resolving problems and respect others and taking feedback …show more content…

However, related researches have shown that students’ entitlement tends to decrease and they exhibited low professionalism in workplace. Consequently, suggestions were given by teachers and employers. Firstly, teach students to use calendars to organize their time in order to be punctuality. Encouraged them to work with peers and be patient on co-work. Secondly, learning be receptive to feedback and constructive criticism when students were study in university, their attitude contribute to future career that friendly to get along with co-workers at large extent. Rather, fostering the habits of working hard when study in university because this habit will be motivate themselves in the future work, also be rewarded by employer and

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