Printing Press Impact On Society

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magine a world where the air is fresh and the trees are full, you never know what’s going on in politics until it happens right in front of you, and most words don’t make any sense because everyone speaks in Latin, even though you live in Italy. You’ve never read a book in your life because your family can’t afford one. If you’re any type of minority you’re as good as a slave because if you aren’t white, male, or noble, you don’t have rights. This is life before the printing press, an invention that made a very positive impact on the world. The printing press caused Latin’s decline. Once the press was fully developed, print shops opened and local languages became normal; rather than traditional Latin. The printing press educated people, which lead to intelligent ideas and thoughts. This proves that the printing press has made a positive impact on communication. Some might say that the printing press lead to new inventions which made negative propaganda easier to spread. An example of this would be ISIS or …show more content…

Before the press, poor people couldn’t buy books because they were so expensive only the very rich could afford them. When it comes down to education or food, food comes first. The invention of the printing press lead to many other inventions. It gave people the education they needed to make their own inventions. This proves that the printing press has made a positive impact on education. Some might say that the printing press is then responsible for all of the horrible inventions in the world like nuclear weapons. Knowledge and education are power, you can’t blame one world changing invention for all of the horrible ones that came after. And think of all of the amazing inventions that came after the printing press like the lightbulb, automobiles, refrigeration, computers, or the internet! Not only has the printing press changed education and communication for the better, but it has also improved

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