Preventing Malaria

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Preventing Malaria

Updated by Søren Thybo, Consultant and specialist in infectious diseases:

What is malaria?

Malaria is a serious tropical disease that in the extreme can be fatal. It is widespread across the globe in tropical and subtropical areas. Globally, malaria is a huge health problem with 300 million new cases per year. In Denmark, turning around, 100 people returned from abroad every year with the disease. Deaths among Danes have fortunately been rare some years, but in 2008, was a Danish woman infected in the Gambia and died in Denmark untreated.

How you prevent malaria?

Prevention is about two things:

To avoid mosquito bites.

To take preventive medicine if you are traveling or living in a malaria area:

Avoid mosquito bites: Mosquitoes sticks especially at dusk and at night. Therefore, make sure to have the network for open doors and windows between sunset and sunrise. Rooms with air conditioning are also good. Otherwise, use mosquito nets around the bed, impregnated with insecticide as pyrethrum (a harmless substance derived from chrysanthemum extract), see below.

Long pants, long sleeved shirts and socks that are thick enough that mosquitoes can not sting through, also protects, but such a council can be difficult to follow in a hot climate.

Mosquito repellent with diethyltoluamide recommended, it can unfortunately not buy in Denmark. The reason is a conflict between manufacturers and the Environment Ministry of manufacturing secrets, not the substance is hazardous. However, it can be bought in Sweden as well as in most other countries.

In Denmark, the arrival of a new agent Autan that can be used instead. It comes in two strengths, where the weakest are for small children....

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...ine is no particular risk to pregnant women, and they should take both substances, if you have to take malaria prevention in pregnant. Unfortunately, it is not clear to what extent chloroquine + paludrone protects particularly effective in African areas because of the widespread resistance to both agents.

What resources can be used when breastfeeding? Nursing mothers should not take Lariam, Malarone, or doxycycline, whereas chloroquine and Paludrine is commendable, again with deep reservations about the effectiveness of the two drugs as prevention against malaria. One should remember that it is not enough to give the mother of these substances. The child must also have appropriate malaria prevention.

Sport Vaccination:

At Statens Serum Institute website you can get suggestions for vaccinations and malaria prevention by traveling to different countries

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